Enrich A Child


Reach For The Stars – Enrich A Child


Dear Condit Elementary Supporter,

The Condit Elementary PTO is kicking off our annual fundraising campaign: “Reach For The Stars – Enrich A Child,” and we hope that you will support us this year.  The collaborative relationships Condit has developed with businesses in the Bellaire area are vital to the school’s success. Please note that all contributions made to the Condit PTO are tax deductible

While HISD provides for our facility, basic curriculum, and staff and faculty salaries, the PTO funds instructional enrichment programs and materials which provides the children at Condit with the most challenging, engaging, and innovative academic opportunities available.  In tandem with the construction of Condit’s new building, the PTO is also targeting enhancements to the facility that are not covered by the current budget.

In exchange for your contributionyour company will have the opportunity to advertise directly to over 500 families that make up the Condit community, receive continual recognition throughout the school year, and gain exposure during special events.  

In an effort to modernize our offerings and communications, we are making some changes to options available for recognition of your support.  Our paper-based newsletter will be replaced with a newly designed digital copy.  Sponsors who choose the newsletter option will sponsor the entire newsletter for the month and receive a featured advertisement including a link to the sponsor’s website.  We will also have a monthly email that provides recognition opportunity which will include several sponsors in the copy.  We will no longer send paper flyers home in our Wednesday folders.  Instead, digital flyers may be placed in this monthly email.  Advertising opportunities including the Condit Directory, Banners, and Field Day T-Shirts will continue to be offered. Please click on the sponsorship link below to determine which advertising opportunity best suits your needs and note associated file requirements and deadline for submission.

Your contribution will help Condit continue to be an excellent school and community asset. If you have any questions, please contact the Committee at [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your support! 


Condit Elementary PTO – Condit Elementary Reach for the Stars Committee


Link to Business Contribution Form




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